Privacy Policy

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  • You agree to provide Sunbliss Solar Technologies with whatever personal information is required for the efficient functioning of Sunbliss Solar Technologies on your behalf, in particular for the accurate completion of the paperwork for the STCs incentive.
  • It is necessary for reasonable means that Seller might collect personal information from Customer to complete the relevant paperwork for the STCs incentive and selling the STCs.
  • Customer understands and agrees that Sunbliss Solar Technologies may provide information about Customer to its contractors, employees and any other relevant authorities either for on customer’s behalf and on the company’s behalf. Whenever its is required in any case for Sunbliss Solar Technologies, we may provide your information to those according to our resolution committee.
  • Unless, it is agreed otherwise with Customer, Sunbliss Solar Technologies will not entertain in providing personal information to any third parties other than those specified above.

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